Day 26: Nested Logic
Your local library needs your help! Given the expected and actual return dates for a library book, create a program that calculates the fine (if any). The fee structure is as follows:
- If the book is returned on or before the expected return date, no fine will be charged (i.e.: .
- If the book is returned after the expected return day but still within the same calendar month and year as the expected return date, .
- If the book is returned after the expected return month but still within the same calendar year as the expected return date, the .
- If the book is returned after the calendar year in which it was expected, there is a fixed fine of .
Input Format
The first line contains space-separated integers denoting the respective , , and on which the book was actually returned.
The second line contains space-separated integers denoting the respective , , and on which the book was expected to be returned (due date).
Output Format
Print a single integer denoting the library fine for the book received as input.
Sample Input
9 6 2015
6 6 2015
Sample Output
Given the following return dates:
Because , we know it is less than a year late.
Because , we know it's less than a month late.
Because , we know that it was returned late (but still within the same month and year).
Per the library's fee structure, we know that our fine will be . We then print the result of as our output.
다른 사람 discussion을 확인해보니 day, month, year 각각 nextInt로 받아와도 된다.
각각 int형으로 받아와서 비교해주는게 좀 더 보기에는 편할 거 같다.
package Day27;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Solution {
public static void main(String[] args) {
/* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT. Your class should be named Solution. */
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
String realDate = sc.nextLine();
String dueDate = sc.nextLine();
String[] realDateArray = realDate.split("");
String[] dueDateArray = dueDate.split("");
String fine = checkFine(realDateArray, dueDateArray);
private static String checkFine(String[] realDateArray, String[] dueDateArray) {
int mDiffer = 0;
int dDiffer = 0;
if (Integer.parseInt(realDateArray[2]) > Integer.parseInt(dueDateArray[2])) return "10000";
else if (Integer.parseInt(realDateArray[2]) < Integer.parseInt(dueDateArray[2])) return "0";
if (Integer.parseInt(realDateArray[1]) > Integer.parseInt(dueDateArray[1])) {
mDiffer += Integer.parseInt(realDateArray[1]) - Integer.parseInt(dueDateArray[1]);
mDiffer *= 500;
} else if (Integer.parseInt(realDateArray[0]) > Integer.parseInt(dueDateArray[0])) {
dDiffer += Integer.parseInt(realDateArray[0]) - Integer.parseInt(dueDateArray[0]);
dDiffer *= 15;
return String.valueOf(mDiffer + dDiffer);