Dynamic Array
- Create a list, , of empty sequences, where each sequence is indexed from to . The elements within each of the sequences also use -indexing.
- Create an integer, , and initialize it to .
- The types of queries that can be performed on your list of sequences () are described below:
- Query:
1 x y
- Find the sequence, , at index in .
- Append integer to sequence .
- Query:
2 x y
- Find the sequence, , at index in .
- Find the value of element in (where is the size of ) and assign it to .
- Print the new value of on a new line
- Query:
Given , , and queries, execute each query.
Note: is the bitwise XOR operation, which corresponds to the ^
operator in most languages. Learn more about it on Wikipedia.
Input Format
The first line contains two space-separated integers, (the number of sequences) and (the number of queries), respectively.
Each of the subsequent lines contains a query in the format defined above.
- It is guaranteed that query type will never query an empty sequence or index.
Output Format
For each type query, print the updated value of on a new line.
Sample Input
2 5
1 0 5
1 1 7
1 0 3
2 1 0
2 1 1
Sample Output
Initial Values:
= [ ]
= [ ]
Query 0: Append to sequence .
= [5]
= [ ]
Query 1: Append to sequence .
= [5]
= [7]
Query 2: Append to sequence .
= [5, 3]
= [7]
Query 3: Assign the value at index of sequence to , print .
= [5, 3]
= [7]
Query 4: Assign the value at index of sequence to , print .
= [5, 3]
= [7]
솔직히 문제 이해가 잘 되지 않아서 애먹었다 -__-;;;;
^ 관련해서 검색해보면 설명이 잘 나와있는데 예를들어서
4 ^ 6 이라고 할 경우
4: 100
6: 110
= 010 이라는 결과가 나오게 된다
solution 이 예전과 달라졌는지 메소드에 n과 2차원 배열의 queries[][] 만 parameter 로 넘어온다.
- 처음 입력받는 n 에 따라서 배열의 크기가 설정된다.
- 처음 입력받는 q 로 2차원배열 행의 크키가 설정된다. (렬은 3으로 고정)
- 쿼리는 2종류가 있다 (1 or 2)
- 쿼리에 상관없이 index는 (x ^ lastAnswer) % N 을 계산한 값으로 한다.
static int[] dynamicArray(int n, int[][] queries) {
* Write your code here.
int lastAsw = 0;
int index = 0;
List<Integer>[] lists = new ArrayList[n];
List<Integer> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
// queries[i][1] = x;
// queries[i][2] = y;
for(int i = 0; i < queries.length; i++){
index = (queries[i][1]^lastAsw)%n;
if(queries[i][0] == 1){
if(lists[index] == null){
List<Integer> subList = new ArrayList<>();
lists[index] = subList;
} else {
} else if(queries[i][0] == 2){
lastAsw = lists[index].get(queries[i][2] % lists[index].size());
int[] result = new int[resultList.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < result.length; i++){
result[i] = resultList.get(i);
return result;