Algorithms/11 Coding Interview (CS Dojo)
Is This a Binary Search Tree? (Java)
ND Paul Kim
2018. 3. 16. 18:03
Write a function that takes a binary tree and returns true if it is a binary search tree, and false if not.
In our test code, we're going to use the following examples:
- head1 = 0
- / \
- 1 2
- /\ /\
- 3 4 5 6
head1 is NOT a binary search tree.
- head2 = 3
- / \
- 1 4
- /\ / \
- 0 2 5 6
head2 is NOT a binary search tree.
- head3 = 3
- / \
- 1 5
- /\ / \
- 0 2 4 6
head3 is a binary search tree.
- head4 = 3
- / \
- 1 5
- /\
- 0 4
head4 is NOT a binary search tree.
Hacker Rank에서도 같은 문제를 풀었는데 모르고 블로그에 올리지 않았었다.
여기에서도 나온거보면 꽤나 단골?문제로 보여지니 알아두는게 좋을 듯!
중요포인트는 left로 갈 때는 left의 value가 이전 head의 value보다는 작아야 한다(크거나 같으면 false)
반대로 right로 갈 때는 right의 value가 이전 head value보다 커야 한다(작거나 같으면 false)
이부분만 명심하면 그리 어렵지 않은 문제이다.
import java.util.HashMap;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// NOTE: The following input values will be used for testing your solution.
// The mapping we're going to use for constructing a tree.
// For example, {0: [1, 2]} means that 0's left child is 1, and its right
// child is 2.
HashMap<Integer, int[]> mapping1 = new HashMap<Integer, int[]>();
int[] childrenA = {1, 2};
int[] childrenB = {3, 4};
int[] childrenC = {5, 6};
mapping1.put(0, childrenA);
mapping1.put(1, childrenB);
mapping1.put(2, childrenC);
TreeNode head1 = createTree(mapping1, 0);
// This tree is:
// head1 = 0
// / \
// 1 2
// /\ /\
// 3 4 5 6
HashMap<Integer, int[]> mapping2 = new HashMap<Integer, int[]>();
int[] childrenD = {1, 4};
int[] childrenE = {0, 2};
int[] childrenF = {5, 6};
mapping2.put(3, childrenD);
mapping2.put(1, childrenE);
mapping2.put(4, childrenF);
TreeNode head2 = createTree(mapping2, 3);
// This tree is:
// head2 = 3
// / \
// 1 4
// /\ / \
// 0 2 5 6
HashMap<Integer, int[]> mapping3 = new HashMap<Integer, int[]>();
int[] childrenG = {1, 5};
int[] childrenH = {0, 2};
int[] childrenI = {4, 6};
mapping3.put(3, childrenG);
mapping3.put(1, childrenH);
mapping3.put(5, childrenI);
TreeNode head3 = createTree(mapping3, 3);
// This tree is:
// head3 = 3
// / \
// 1 5
// /\ / \
// 0 2 4 6
HashMap<Integer, int[]> mapping4 = new HashMap<Integer, int[]>();
int[] childrenJ = {1, 5};
int[] childrenK = {0, 4};
mapping4.put(3, childrenJ);
mapping4.put(1, childrenK);
TreeNode head4 = createTree(mapping4, 3);
// This tree is:
// head4 = 3
// / \
// 1 5
// /\
// 0 4
// isBST(head1) should return false
// isBST(head2) should return false
// should return true
// isBST(head4) should return false
// Implement your function below.
public static boolean isBST(TreeNode node) {
return isBST(node, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public static boolean isBST(TreeNode node, int lowest, int highest){
if (node == null) return true;
if (node.value <= lowest || node.value >= highest) return false;
return isBST(node.left, lowest, node.value) && isBST(node.right, node.value, highest);
// A function for creating a tree.
// Input:
// - mapping: a node-to-node mapping that shows how the tree should be constructed
// - headValue: the value that will be used for the head node
// Output:
// - The head node of the resulting tree
public static TreeNode createTree(HashMap<Integer, int[]> mapping, int headValue) {
TreeNode head = new TreeNode(headValue, null, null);
HashMap<Integer, TreeNode> nodes = new HashMap<>();
nodes.put(headValue, head);
for (Integer key : mapping.keySet()) {
int[] value = mapping.get(key);
TreeNode leftChild = new TreeNode(value[0], null, null);
TreeNode rightChild = new TreeNode(value[1], null, null);
nodes.put(value[0], leftChild);
nodes.put(value[1], rightChild);
for (Integer key : mapping.keySet()) {
int[] value = mapping.get(key);
nodes.get(key).left = nodes.get(value[0]);
nodes.get(key).right = nodes.get(value[1]);
return head;